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Project Fulfill Art Space

Taipei, Taiwan 


Collaborating partner in conjunction with Sunshower: Contemporary Art from Southeast Asia 1980s to Now, presented by Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts and Mori Art Museum.


Opening on Saturday 20th July 2019 at 4pm | Opening performance of 'Knit' 5pm
展覽開幕 2019.7.20 (六)4pm | 開幕表演 5pm

Project Fulfill Art Space is pleased to present Thai artist Kawita Vatanajyankur’s first solo exhibition in Taiwan titled The Repetitiveness of Work. Vatanajyankur was previously selected to represent the Thailand Pavilion exhibition at the 57th Venice Biennale. The exhibition will showcase video-based performances from her powerful Work series and her latest Performing Textiles series. For the exhibition opening Vatanajyankur will perform her work Knit, previously performed at the 2018 Bangkok Art Biennale and the 2019 Culture Summit in Abu Dhabi. The opening will be held on 20 July 2019 at 4pm with the performance at 5pm.
Vatanajyankur’s art practice examines the physical manifestation of manual labor processes often undertaken by women in Thailand. These actions are presented through the double-lens of a hyper-colored formal composition and a study into the physical abilities and vulnerabilities of the body, combining as works that provoke questions of labor, consumption, feminism and the artist's lived experience.

就在藝術空間很榮幸於七月份推出第57屆威尼斯雙年展泰國館的參展藝術家之一,行為錄像藝術家卡葳塔・瓦卡娜嫣恩(Kawita Vatanajyankur)在台灣首次個展「勞動動態」,展出《Work》與《Performing Textiles》兩個錄像系列作品。開幕當天藝術家將在畫廊現場呈現《Knit》行為表演。此表演曾於2018年曼谷藝術雙年展和2019年阿布札比文化高峰會演出的。展覽開幕訂於7月20日(週六)下午4點,行為表演於下午5點。

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